Лечение актинического кератоза с использованием лазера Fraxel - Premium Aesthetics

Лечение актинического кератоза с использованием лазера FRAXEL


Nonablative fractional resurfacing (NFR™ treatment) with the Fraxel® SR750 laser (Reliant Technologies, Inc.,  Mountain View, CA) has been found to be effective in treating multiple skin conditions and skin types with minimal patient discomfort and post-treatment complications. This report examines the effect of NFR treatment on actinic  keratoses (AK) lesion counts six months post-treatment in eleven different subjects*.

Using clinical scoring and digital photography, an average objective reduction of 74+/-20% in the number of AK lesions was found on treated skin surfaces of the dorsum hands, dorsum arms, face and scalp. As judged by subjects and investigator, subjective improvement in AKs counts demonstrated a similar magnitude with values ranging from 73-82% six months following NFR treatment. Pre- and post-treatment biopsies showed histologic improvement of keratinocyte atypia and photodamage of superficial dermal compartment. This preliminary study demonstrates the potential efficacy of Fraxel® laser technology for treatment of actinic keratosis.

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